Let us help you turn your knots, into art.
About Merlin’s Knots
I've been crocheting for over a decade, my Gran taught me over many cups of tea when I was just a teenager. I'm now nearly 30 and honour her memory every day by using the skills she taught me.
My name's Emma, I hail from Sydney Australia and am a strong believer that there's two hobbies in play here - collecting yarn, and using yarn.
Favourite Patterns
Chibi Dinosaur Desk Buddy
This little buddy was originally created as a desk buddy for some of my work colleagues, when crocheted with 8-ply yarn, he's small enough to fit under a computer monitor.
Estimated completion time: 2 - 3 hours
Level: Beginner
Frog Prince and his Retainers
A Prince is not often allowed out without his loyal retainers, learn to make not only the frog prince himself, but his princess, royal advisor and of course his big bodyguard.
Estimated completion time: 2 - 3 hours
Level: Beginner
Beatrice the Bunny
A Bunny I designed after failing to find a pattern I liked for a floppy eared bunny. The first pattern I actually made.
Estimated completion time: 8 - 10 hours
Level: Beginner - Intermediate
The Executive Team
Founder and co-conspirator, Merlin was the first of my team to teach me how to both crochet and stop mischeivous kittens trying to eat yarn at the same time.
Merlin crossed rainbow bridge early 2023 aged 11 years old, but I’m sure he’s still leaving his fur all over my projects as best he can.
The smallest of the team, and the most likely to need to go to the vet because she's eaten a ball of yarn.
Currently serving the team as secretary for defence, if Jazzy was assigned a D&D Class she'd be a barbarian. Small but mighty.
Ollie is a Bengal cross, and a few coins short of a dollar. Ollie may get lost walking down a hallway but maintains excellent taste in yarn.
Ollie is only 2 and may not be finished growing, but his ability to chase yarn without splitting the fibers is surprisingly unmatched.